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Country Ape Squad

Country Ape Squad

4 チャンネル| 0 フォロワー数
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 1 of Country Ape Squad
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 2 of Country Ape Squad
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 3 of Country Ape Squad
Game Rank1416
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In the ever-evolving information society, our monkeys have reached a point where the physical money we know has lost its relevance and been replaced by digital money. People’s investments in venture capital have grown drastically, increasing the demand for cryptocurrencies.

More and more sites are accepting cryptocurrencies as full-fledged currency, simply leaving paper money aside. Country Ape is the embodiment of a good cryptocurrency investor. Being an intelligent, passionate and aware trader, he is confident in his decisions and can control his emotions. Keeping up to date with the latest stock market articles makes his investments profitable, since he is able to adapt his strategies to the changing environment. Bitcoin, the king of all cryptocurrencies and the most widely used among them, plays an important role in Country Ape’s life. Like any other crypto investor, he is constantly aware of Bitcoin’s price fluctuations, which has been something mysterious to him from the beginning and which has given him the interest and passion to explore the cryptocurrency ecosystem further. ...

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