x2eAll P2E games thumbnail image of CyberZillaz

Zilla Labs


NFT Floor Price$28.35
Change 24h(%)0%
5 チャンネル| 9.1 K フォロワー数
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 1 of CyberZillaz
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 2 of CyberZillaz
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 3 of CyberZillaz
Game Rank846
Page View27 K



Cyberzillaz genesis is a collection of 2,222 blockchain dwelling titans. these 80 x 80 finesse pixel art pfp nfts will be the first cyberzillaz to be minted, with each granting its holder access to exclusive community voting rights, future nft brands genesis drops, and whitelist mint passes for partner collabdration drops. Holders of the genesis version will be granted access to exclusive rooms in the cyberzillaz discord server. Within this collection there will also be 10 distinctive antimated legendary genesis nfts. The genesis colection is the foundation for all projects that follow. In other words, you want to be holding one of these!

The CyberZillaz community will help decide the direction of CyberZillaz brand, tokenomics , the expansion of its ecosystem, and how to accumulate the best of technical and creative talent to develop to bring this amazing project to fruition. A certain percentage of CyberZillaz GenESIS sales and royalties will go into the community vault right from the beginning, some which will be used to issue grants and scholarships to talented applicants within the community. The community will also decide how Talent Grants will be utilized, who will be qualified to receive them, and how they will be scheduled. Aspiring creators can apply for grants that will give them the resources needed to execute their visions. A certain amount of funds will also be given to charity of the founder and Artist’s choice. ...

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