x2eAll P2E games thumbnail image of Meta Birds Nets Club

Meta Birds Nest Club

Meta Birds Nets Club

NFT Floor Price$1,937
Change 24h(%)0%
6 チャンネル| 0 フォロワー数
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 1 of Meta Birds Nets Club
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 2 of Meta Birds Nets Club
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 3 of Meta Birds Nets Club
Game Rank693
Page View31 K



Meta Birds Nest Club (MBNC) is an NFT brand specialized for the 2030s who pursue brand-new trends and various experiences; it seeks to be a vibrant community that helps 20s who just embarked upon their journey beyond their old nests to enjoy exciting lives ever.

While people say ‘talent above talent,’ MBNC pursue Meta Birds with ‘joy above talent’! By acquiring MBNC membership customized for more special experiences, you can make your today happier than yesterday, followed by ever-more exciting tomorrow! To grow together with those potential holders who were not familiar to NFT and afraid of the first step, and to establish the membership community and customized merits for MZ generation, we started MBNC together with ‘20birds’ our representing media channel for the twenties. ...

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