x2eAll P2E games thumbnail image of BIGTIME

Big Time Studios


9 Channels| 0.5 M Follows
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Game Rank3
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Project Description


How does play-to-earn work in Big Time? There are three primary ways for users to earn while playing Big Time:

✅Collecting NFT items during dungeon quests – Collecting NFT items can be done by killing bosses in the games dungeons. The player who kills the final boss in a dungeon gets the NFT drop. These items will be cosmetic to avoid a pay-to-win situation. ✅Flipping NFTs in the marketplace – Flipping NFTs allow users to earn from the game without necessarily playing since they can purchase an NFT with crypto or fiat from the marketplace and sell it at a higher price later on. ✅Selling the games economy token – Players can receive token rewards while engaging in battles and performing in-game quests. These tokens can be used to purchase ultra-rare and exclusive cosmetic NFTs, as well as to craft items or repair damaged ones. ...

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