x2eAll P2E games thumbnail image of Ekta Portal NFT

Portal NFT

Ekta Portal NFT

5 Channels| 12.8 K Follows
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 1 of Ekta Portal NFT
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 2 of Ekta Portal NFT
Game Rank1009
Page View13 K

Project Description


🟩 Legend of the Portals

Robots from a broken future are on a mission to change the timeline and save humanity and the planet from a terrible fate. Working in secret, these OG robots built a conduit to connect with those humans who want to play their part in the mission (and get paid while doing it), people who believe in the Ekta vision. These sentient robots from the future know what’s up. And so, the Portal NFTs were born to activate Portal Nodes and connect with their humans. Are you among the enlightened ones? Come enter the Portal with us and change our future. ...

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