x2eAll P2E games thumbnail image of Gym Rat Elephants


Gym Rat Elephants

NFT Floor Price$23.61
Change 24h(%)0%
6 Channels| 3.1 K Follows
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 1 of Gym Rat Elephants
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 2 of Gym Rat Elephants
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 3 of Gym Rat Elephants
Game Rank694
Page View26 K

Project Description


People cannot just be tied together, they have to connect and that is our collection all about: CONNECTING PEOPLE AND HAVING A PEERLESS COMMUNITY. Our main priority is the community, to have a healthy and compassionate one. We want to create a community that will also give voice to the voiceless and make a positive impact to the society.

Gym Rat Elephants is a collection of 9,999 unique elephants with more than 400 different traits. The collection is created to give voice to the voiceless and dedicated to help others.

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