x2eAll P2E games thumbnail image of Nacho Finance

Nacho Finance

Nacho Finance

4 Channels| 4.2 K Follows
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 1 of Nacho Finance
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 2 of Nacho Finance
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 3 of Nacho Finance
Game Rank871
Page View25 K

Project Description


3,333 upgradeable Luchador NFTs. You feed them to grow, train to earn, and fight to win. 3,333 Upgradeable NFTs • 7 Rarity Tiers • 11 Trait Categories • 5 Upgradeable Skills • 12 Weight Classes • 10 Factions

Upgrade amenities • Get training multipliers • Accelerate training with Factions Head-to-head odds matches • Skills determine win probability • 20-sided die roll randomizer • Wager ETH and win prizes. Once you have $NACHO in your wallet to hold, stake it in the farm to earn $NSHARE rewards. Then claim your $NSHARE rewards and stake them in the bowl for more $NACHO when above

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