x2eAll P2E games thumbnail image of PalaDEX



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x2eAll P2E games screen shot 1 of PalaDEX
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x2eAll P2E games screen shot 3 of PalaDEX
Game Rank273
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Project Description


Pala is a utopia island in the posthumous work "Ireland" by British novelist Alders Huxley, which refers to an ideal society in which individual achievements lead to the community. The Palines aimed for a sustainable system by determining important issues such as the introduction of advanced technologies and resource optimization in a democratic manner.

Pala wants to recreate the service that contains the spirit of Palin on the blockchain. In addition, we will use the blockchain to ensure the operation of the transparent crypto ecosystem and draw a truly decentralized pala. Select the token you want on the Swap page. To proceed with the swap, you must set the type and amount of tokens (From) you want to send and the token (To) you want to receive. Figures displayed in the expected details may differ as the exchange rate changes in real time due to the expected transaction status. Swap transactions incur a 0.2% fee, limiting the acceptable range of slip paper to 0.5%.

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