x2eAll P2E games thumbnail image of Plogging cats


Plogging cats

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x2eAll P2E games screen shot 1 of Plogging cats
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 2 of Plogging cats
Game Rank446
Page View27 K

Project Description


For Catchy, a street cat living in Trashtown, the trash-covered world was so natural and natural. Then one day, Catch accidentally rescued a dying endangered animal from a garbage dump and heard a big secret.

If the world gets clean by picking up trash, we can save more endangered animals and finally find Greenland, a clean nature! Catch also thought of a clean Greenland that he saw for a while when he was very young. Catch, who missed the place where the blue sky, the transparent sea, and the night sky were full of stars, decided to gather his cat friends to make a "Flogging Cats" and visit Greenland together. Now, everyone, be a member of the cat team of "Flogging Cats" right now ...

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