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Top Wolves

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x2eAll P2E games screen shot 1 of Top Wolves
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 2 of Top Wolves
x2eAll P2E games screen shot 3 of Top Wolves
Game Rank849
Page View23 K

Project Description


Unleashing the Top Wolves, with great instinctive powers and intelligence they will hunt down and navigate through the NFT Forest together. Specially designed for conquering the wild and equipped with traits to win, they will sense Apes and Kongs miles away and set up the perfect ambush. Claim your very own wolf on 6th May 2022.

Legends describe this game is like no other where the possibilities are endless and the money you can make is unlimited, a game so rare, only the most prestigious will have access. Whether you are a lone wolf or wish to hunt in a pack only 1111 suave wolves who embody instinctive powers and intelligence have found the key to access this game. Today this legend becomes a reality, claim your wolf to immerse yourself in our unrivalled P2E gaming experience.

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